The Seventeenth Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT)


Research Committee (EAMT2014 reviewers)

Eleftherios Avramidis (DFKI, Germany)
Alexandra Birch (University of Edinburgh, Scotland)
Ondřej Bojar (Charles University, Czech Republic)
Christian Buck (University of Edinburgh, Scotland)
Bill Byrne (University of Cambridge, England)
Michael Carl (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark)
Francisco Casacuberta (Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain)
Mauro Cettolo (FBK, Italy)
David Chiang (University of Southern California, USA)
Nadir Durrani (University of Edinburgh, Scotland)
Chris Dyer (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Christian Federmann (Microsoft, USA)
Marcello Federico (FBK, Italy)
Mark Fishel (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Mikel Forcada (University of Alicante, Spain)
George Foster (NRC, Canada)
Josef van Genabith (Dublin City University, Ireland)
Ulrich Germann (University of Edinburgh, Scotland)
Barry Haddow (University of Edinburgh, Scotland)
Christian Hardmeier (University of Uppsala, Sweden)
Teresa Herrmann (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
Matthias Huck (University of Edinburgh, Scotland)
Gonzalo Iglesias (University of Cambridge, England)
Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland)
Maxim Khalilov (TAUS)
Roland Kuhn (NRC, Canada)
Qun Liu (Dublin City University, Ireland)
Adam Lopez (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
José B. Mariño (Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain)
Christof Monz (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Jan Niehues (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
Maja Popović (DFKI, Germany)
Stefan Riezler (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
Felipe Sánchez Martínez (University of Alicante, Spain)
Khalil Simaan (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Sara Stymne (University of Uppsala, Sweden)
Jörg Tiedemann (University of Uppsala, Sweden)
Dan Tufiş (Romanian Academy, Romania)
Francis M. Tyers (University of Alicante, Spain)
David Vilar (Pixformance)
Jörn Wübker (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
François Yvon (LIMSI, France)

User Committee

Jeff Allen (SAP, France)
Nora Aranberri (University of the Basque Country, Spain)
Pratyush Banerjee (Symantec, Ireland)
Nuria Bel (UPF, Spain)
Frédéric Blain (Université du Maine, France)
Bianka Buschbeck (Systran, France)
Tony Clarke (CLS Communication, Switzerland)
Béatrice Daille (University of Nantes, France)
Heidi Depraetere (Cross Language, Belgium)
Ilse Depraetere (Université de Lille III, France)
Mike Dillinger (Translation Optimization Partners, US)
Stephen Doherty (CNGL, Ireland)
Marc Dymetman (Xerox, France)
Andreas Eisele (EC, Luxemboug)
Ray Flournoy (Adobe Systems, US)
Jesús Giménez (Nuance, Spain)
Steve Götz (CNGL, Ireland)
Daniel Grasmick (Lucy Software and Services, Germany)
Declan Groves (Microsoft, Ireland)
Ana Guerberof (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain)
Rafael Guzman (Symantec, Ireland)
Olivier Hamon (Syllabs, France)
Viggo Hansen (EAMT Executive Committee, Denmark)
Fred Hollowood (Fred Hollowood Consulting, Ireland)
Dorothy Kenny (DCU, Ireland)
John Moran (CNGL, Ireland)
Sharon O’Brien (Dublin City University, Ireland)
Sergio Pelino (Google, US)
Mirko Plitt (Modulo Language Automation, Switzerland)
Bruno Pouliquen (WIPO, Switzerland)
Alexandros Poulis (Lionbridge, Finland)
Manny Rayner (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Rubén Rodríguez de la Fuente (Paypal)
Raphael Rubino (Prompsit Language Engineering, Spain)
Marta Ruiz Costa-Jussà (Catalan Politechnic University, Spain)
Dag Schmidtke (Microsoft Ireland, Dublin, Ireland)
Jean Senellart (Systran, France)
Violeta Seretan (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Svetlana Sheremetyeva (LanA Consulting, ApS, Denmark; South Ural State University, Russia)
Yanli Sun (Symantec, China)
Midori Tatsumi (Translator, Japan)
Chris Wendt (Microsoft Research, US)
Francois Yvon (University Paris Sud 11, France)
Ventsislav Zhechev (Autodesk, Switzerland)
Jost Zetsche (International Writers' Group, US)
Andy Way (Lingo24, UK)

Organizing Committee

Božo Bekavac (University of Zagreb, Croatia)
Mikel Forcada (University of Alicante, Spain)
Philipp Koehn (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Johann Roturier (Symantec, Ireland)
Marko Tadić (University of Zagreb / Croatian Language Technologies Society, Croatia)
Andy Way (Lingo24, UK)

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